How To Keep Room Cool In Summer Naturally?

Some of the best ways to keep your room cool naturally during the summer months include ensuring plenty of ventilation, keeping your windows open during the night and closing them during the day, and keeping the sources of heat away from the room.

Besides these, you should also avoid using too much artificial lighting, as they generate heat. Instead, you can use natural light for illumination. Additionally, using light-colored curtains can help reduce the amount of heat entering your room.

So, if you want to know how to keep room cool in summer naturally/, Let’s look at each of these tips in a little bit more detail.

Keep Room Cool In Summer

1. Ensure Plenty of Ventilation

Ventilation is key to keeping your room cool naturally. Make sure windows, doors and vents are open during the day and closed during the night to keep warm air out. Installing a small exhaust fan in the room can also help circulate the cooler air.

Remember, the more air circulating in the room, the cooler it will be. If you have a balcony door or window, open it as well to allow fresh air to circulate in the room. To protect your room from insects and dust, you can use a mosquito net or an odorless bug-killer spray.

2. Keeping Your Windows Open During The Night and Closing Them During The Day

Keep Room Cool In Summer Naturally

One of the best ways to keep your room cool naturally during summer is to open windows and doors during the night and close them during the day. At night, the air outside is cooler than the air inside your home, so opening your windows will allow the cool air to come in and fill your room.

During the day, however, the opposite is true. The air outside is usually warmer than the air inside your home, so you should close your windows and doors in order to keep the cool air in and prevent hot air from entering.

3. Keep Sources of Heat Away from Room

Heat sources like radiators, cooking appliances and light bulbs can raise the temperature in your room. So, it’s best to keep these away from your room if you want to keep it cool. Ensuring that your room is well insulated can also help prevent heat from entering.

If you have an open kitchen or living area that shares walls with your bedroom, consider installing a room divider to block the heat from entering your room. Venting the hot air from the stove outside or using an exhaust fan can also help reduce the amount of heat in your room.

4. Avoid Artificial Lighting

Artificial lighting generates heat, so it’s best to avoid using too much of it in your room. If possible, use natural light for illumination instead. This will help keep your room cooler during the summer months.

As a rule of thumb, the more wattage a light bulb has, the more heat it produces. So, if you must use artificial lighting, look for energy-efficient bulbs with lower wattage.

5. Use Light-Colored Curtains

How To Keep Room Cool In Summer

Light-colored curtains can help reduce the amount of heat entering your room as they reflect sunlight away from the windows. The science behind this is that dark-colored curtains absorb more light and heat than light-colored ones, so you should opt for the latter if you want to keep your room cool.

Many people use blackout curtains to keep the heat out during the summer months. However, these can be quite heavy and insulating, so if your goal is to keep your room cool, light-colored curtains are the way to go.

Quick Round-Up – Keep Room Cool in Summer Naturally

By following these tips, you can easily keep your room cool naturally during the hot summer months. Just remember to open windows and doors during the night and close them during the day, avoid using too much artificial lighting, keep sources of heat away from the room and use light-colored curtains. With a few simple steps, you can make sure your room is cool and comfortable during the summer.


The temperature outside is too hot during the day where I live. How can I keep my room cool without turning the AC on?

If it’s too hot outside during the day, you should close the windows and blinds to keep the room cool. If possible, make sure you have a fan in the room as well. You can also use natural sunlight to help cool down your room; open up one window for fresh air and sunlight so it can help bring down the temperature inside.
Additionally, try using light-colored bedsheets and curtains to help reflect the sun’s rays and keep your room cool. Lastly, you can hang wet towels in front of open windows to effectively reduce the temperature inside.

If I don’t have access to a fan, what other ways can I keep cool?

There are some alternatives you can use to stay cool without access to a fan. Take a shower just before you hit the bed – this will help lower your body temperature. Open up all the windows and keep the curtains open – this will let in a nice cool breeze. Additionally, you can also freeze water bottles and place them around the room to cool it down. Also, keep your bedsheets and curtains light-colored to help reflect the sun’s heat away.

How can I keep my room cool without AC?

One of the best ways to keep your room cool without AC is by using natural sunlight. During the day, open up one window for fresh air and sunlight to help bring down the temperature inside. Additionally, make sure you close the windows and blinds during the day and keep them open at night. This will allow cool air to come in at night and trap the cold air in your room. You can also use a fan if possible, as this can help to circulate the cold air throughout the room. Lastly, use light-colored bedsheets and curtains in order to help reflect the sun’s heat away from the room.

How can I keep my room cool in summer?

To keep your room cool during the summer, make sure you close the windows and blinds during the day to prevent heat from entering. Additionally, you can open up one window for fresh air and sunlight to help bring down the temperature in your room. If you have a fan, make sure to use it, as this will help to circulate the cold air around. During the night, keep all windows and curtains open so cool air can enter the room. Lastly, use light-colored bedsheets and curtains to help reflect the sun’s heat away from your room.

How can I keep my apartment cool without AC?

If you don’t have AC in your home, there are some other ways to keep cool. During the day, close all the windows and blinds to prevent heat from entering. At night, open up the windows and curtains so cool air can enter. Additionally, you can use a fan to circulate the cold air around the room. Finally, you can also hang wet towels in front of open windows or place frozen water bottles around your room to help cool it down.
You can also invest in some light-colored bedsheets and curtains to reflect the sun’s rays and keep the room cool. Finally, you can also invest in some energy-efficient appliances to help reduce your electricity bills.

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